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T'ai Chi Chu'an is an ancient martial arts practice of self control and relaxation.  Slow movements while learning the connection between ourselves and the ground that supports us.  Learn to move with strength and comfort.  Studies have shown, if practiced, Tai Chi medically improves the quality of life.  Improves balance, athletic performance and reduces stress.

In Authentic Tai Chi Chuan there is always hard within soft and soft within hard.  This is true even while both the mind and body observe the principle of relaxation.  Practicing Tai Chi Chuan, within this relaxation there must be an inner strength at work, a foundation, which keeps the form stable and not collapsing.  Tai Chi Chuan practiced in this way gives a foundation for balance, health and improved quality in function of life. 

 “No leaps, no high kicks, no running.  The feet always firmly on the ground...movements intrinsically beautiful and at the same time charged with symbolic meaning.  Thought taking shape in ritual and stylized gesture.  The whole body transformed into a hieroglyphs, of attitudes modulating from significance to significance, like a poem or a place of music.  Movements of the muscles representing movements of the consciousness... It’s meditation in action; the metaphysics of the Mahayana expressed not in works, but through symbolic movements and gestures.”    -Aldous Huxley

 Tai Chi Chuan is for anyone willing to take responsibility to learn skills of movement that will improve their health and relationship to their environment.  And finding the joy in movement.     




taichibar@gmail.com            828.371.2779

Franklin, North Carolina  28734    (By Appointment Only)

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